Author name: Brian Comstock

A graph with an arrow pointing to the right.
Life Optimization

The Life Success Skill You Probably Aren’t Developing Enough: Difficult Conversations, Saying No, and Setting Boundaries

“A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”

Tim Ferriss

That basically summarizes it but if you care for my half-baked attempt to unpack that quote, press on. Most of us “know” (speaking of, I hate when people say “air quotes” on a […]

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The Good Life (Smell The Roses)

99 Reasons I Love Santa Monica and LA (After Moving From San Francisco)

Palm trees.Trash and recycle bins lined up across the entire coast; clean sand. Comedy shows.Nice strangers (usually).Perfect weather.Healthful living and food everywhere (thank you Erewhon).Environmentally-conscious people.Paper / compostable straws (I’m that guy). Aesthetically pleasing women.Beaches with waves (EVERY beach does NOT have waves, stop telling me that). CoLiving and furnished places available (you have no idea how much […]

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