Instead of writing in the third person and giving myself an exceedingly charitable and glamorous bio, I’ll keep it simple and spare you (to be fair, I used to do all that stuff, but then realized no one cares).
How Not to Describe Me:
- I haven’t made millions and lost it all and won it back (I’ve made a little and kept it).
- I haven’t overcome some life-debilitating adversity (I’ve overcome a life-long onslaught of smaller, slow bleeds like most people).
- I haven’t authored a book (but I’ve published over 50).
- I haven’t traveled the world (but I’ve been to a handful of countries and more US states).
- I haven’t won any major athletic competitions (although I did place in the 90th percentile for the CrossFit Open one year, and felt pretty good about myself for a hot second).
- I haven’t invented any world-changing products (but I’ve started and grown a few businesses).
Things that Interest Me:
- Thinking and Acting (I don’t respect people who do only one)
- Clear thinkers
- Health, Fitness, and Wellness (I’m not going to call myself a biohacker here but I do pay attention to that kind of stuff)
- Mental Models and evergreen knowledge (favorite being the 80/20 principle)
- Not doing what everyone else does (I know, eye roll)
- Minimalism (more stuff is rarely the answer, and only adds to your mental clutter)
- “Triple Bottomline” companies, B-Corporations, and Win-Win-Win causes or efforts (why not have our cake and have it not ruin the environment too)
- Organic and sustainable food and clothing
- Interesting and multi-dimensional people (there are enough podcasts interviewing the “top 1%”)
- Philosophy, morality, and what it means to live a Good Life
- A better way (because there always is one)